Christl Muls
Christl Muls is the inspirer of Christl Clear Pilates. She graduated with a degree in physical education at the VUB in Brussels. At that same university she worked as an assistant thereafter. Meanwhile, over more than 20 years she is a professional in the world of fitness.
As a 'Nike Fitness Athlete' Christl Muls was a popular presenter of aerobics at several national and international fitness conventions. She was the founder of the 'thai power' (the Flemish 'tae bo' craze) and she gives preventive back care in a lot of Belgian companies.
Christl Muls completed her training as a 'Certified Instructor in the Pilates Method' in The Hague and New York. She was taught there by Romana Kryzanowsky which was herselve a disciple of Joseph H. Pilates. Christl therefore belongs to the so-called 'second generation instructors'.
Other teachers were Sari Santo and Marjorie Oron.
One can never have too much knowledge. That's why Christl follows workshops on a regular basis to perfect her skills.